1999 Exhibition Schedule

Mari Monda Zdunic and Tre Awain DeValera
EquitanaUSA, Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center, Louisville, KY
June 10-13, 1999
Equitana website

Mari Monda Zdunic on The Lark Ascending and Ray Moses on SAB Tracer
Hesperia, MI
July 4, 1999

Mari Monda Zdunic with SAB Kurvosier and friends
Polo field to be announced
July 17, 1999

Mari Monda Zdunic with SAB Kurvosier and friends
Polo field to be announced
August 1, 1999
Mari Monda Zdunic with The Lark Ascending
Michigan Quarter Horse Breeder's Furutity
Michigan State Fairgrounds, Detroit
September 18, 1999
contact Janet Reid for more information --- (616)854-2500
Mari Monda Zdunic with The Lark Ascending
Demonstration and Question and Answer in the Cooper Arena
Quarter Horse Congress, Ohio
October 22, 1999
contact Janet Reid for more information --- (616)854-2500

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