Mari Monda Zdunic with Prussian Dudley at The Washington International Horse Show. Al Cook photo |
This four tape video series isconcentratedinformation, presented with patience and clarity, to allow you to accomplish your ultimate goals in training and riding your horse.Each tape is one hour long.
BASIC DRESSAGE - As Good As You WantToBe: Training for both horse and rider through level four. Coversthree walks,three trots, three canters, the leg yield,two-track, suppleness and flexion, frame and pace, over- stride,transitions including flying lead changes, how to approach eachtask and how to accomplish it.
DRESSAGE TESTS - Training Level throughFourth Level with Critique: Presented are many of the tests andall of the maneuvers needed in the first five levels ofcompetitive dressage. Each test is critiqued during and after theride toencourage you to a better performance. You are thetrainer of your horse and everything is presented from thetrainer's point of view.
ADVANCED DRESSAGE - You Can Do It All:This tape works towardmaximizing your horse's talent from PrixSt. Georges through Grand Prix de Dressage. We focus on becomingmore precise at each of the movements learned earlier plusadvanced lead changes including every stride, passage, piaffe and pirouettes. Highly recommended for begining riders to show themwhere they are trying to go and for advanced riders to help themget there.
HAUTE E'COLE - Havin' Fun With HighSchool: This is apatient and efficient guide to high schoolingyour horse. Would you like yourhorse to kneel, bow, to sit up,lay down, say yes or not, Spanish Walk or cross it's legs? Howabout a circus bow, camel stretch, head stand, pedestal stand or "Hi Ho Silver" rear? All the tricks named above aregently taught in this program.
$69.95.00/tape | All 4 tapes $240.00 |
Copyright ©1996, 1997 by Shine-A-Bit Farm; Brighton, Michigan
- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reproduction of text and/or photos for
commercial purposes is strictly prohibited