Schoolcraft College offers a unique opportunityfor horse enthusiasts of all experience levels and expertise.More than 45 courses are offered ranging from horse care toconditioning and training and breeding.
Shine-A-Bit Farm is proud to be part of theSchoolcraft College curriculum. We offer the following:
Introduction to Dressage (.8 CEU) CES8127
This course includes everything you wanted toknow about dressage but were afraid to ask. Using a system ofprogressive training exercises you will see results in the formof horse that goes willingly in response to the rider's subtleaids. Basic definition, selection of horses and instructor,schooling and showing dressage will be discu ssed. Elective
Location: Shine-A-Bit Farm, 230 Maxfield Rd.,Brighton; (810) 632-5725
Sec. 945306 - Sunday - 1 Day - (Call 810-632-5725 for Date) -9am-5pm - $60/SA $47
Instructor: MariMonda Zdunic
Psychology of Equine Training (.4 CEU)CES 0318
Workshop will discuss and demonstrate ascientific approach to horse discipline. Participants areencouraged to submit their training problems in an open forumsession. All participants are asked to bring a bridle, preferablywith a snaffle bit. Core
Location: Schoolcraft College
Sec. 945310 - Saturday - 1 Day - (Call 810-632-5725) for Date -$44/38 - 1pm-5pm - AS375
Instructor: MariMonda Zdunic
Form and Function of Horse and Rider
Location: Schoolcraft College
Saturday - 1 Day - (Call 810-632-5725 for Date) - ContactSchoolcraft College for times and cost
Instructor: MariMonda Zdunic and Ray Moses
For additional information, contact ContinuingEducation Services at Schoolcraft College at (313) 462-4448