The Bow - American Saddlebred

Mari Monda Zdunic
demonstrating the bow on one knee
with Say You, an American Saddlebred mare.

Say You is an American Saddlebred mare owned byPhil Perkins of Kentucky. She is schooled through Grand Prix buthas never been shown. She was sent to Mari as a two-year old in1990 for the sole purpose of being trained as a High Schoolhorse, and remained at Shine-A-Bit Farm until 1993. She has donecompetitive and haute e'cole demonstrations. She is high schooledto lay down, sit up, cross her front legs, and do the rumba aswell as change leads every stride, passage and piaffe.

Copyright ©1996, 1997 by Shine-A-Bit Farm; Brighton, Michigan- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reproduction of text and/or photos for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited