The Rear - Arabian Stallion

Mari Monda Zdunic
demonstrating the rear
with XL, an Arabian stallion.

XL is owned by Deer Creek Arabians of South Lyon,Michigan. He has been shown through Intermediare I. His careerwith Shine-A-Bit Farm lasted from 1991-93. The main focus of histraining was as an exhibition horse, and he has performed at theOhio Buckeye and Arabian Nationals in Louisville, as well as atthe North American Horse Spectacular in Novi, Michigan inNovember, 1994. Prior to his dressage and haute e'cole career, hewas shown extensively as a halter horse, beginning as a weanling.

Copyright ©1996, 1997 by Shine-A-Bit Farm; Brighton, Michigan- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reproduction of text and/or photos for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited