Weekend Retreat and Training Clinic Saturdays & Sundays |  | Shine-A-Bit Farm invites you to spend a weekend with your horse to study classical, competitive and haute e'cole dressage. Participate in group riding lessons which will concentrate on horse and rider communication and form and function as it relates to training your horse. A Saturday evening dinner lecture will reinforce and improve upon what was taught in the riding sessions, with emphasis on the psychology of equine training, more discussions on form and function, education of the rider about the influence of the rider's body on the horses and how the horse's structure, gaits and center of gravity changes when put through maneuvers. | The psychology of equine training will establish the theory and hypotheses of how a horse perceives and understands the riders aids; action/reaction and avoidance conditioning are just a few of the topics that will be covered, with a special segment on the history of horsemanship starting at 2000 B.C. with the Greek Symon through the use of the first snaffle bridle, stirrups, tempi changes and up to the modern masters of horsemanship who have shaped today's philosophies. Your instructors for this clinic will be Mari Monda Zdunic and Ray Moses, resident trainers at Shine-A-Bit Farm. Every clinic is open to ALL levels of horses and riders from novice to professional and you don't have to be a dressage rider to participate. Each weekend will give you an opportunity to study you, your horse and your relationship together in depth. | - Schedule - Check in Saturday by Noon. Saturday 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lecture and Discussion with a riding demonstration by Mari Monda Zdunic. Saturday 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Group Riding Session Saturday 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Dinner and Lecture on the psychology of equine training and form and function. Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Group riding session followed by a question and answer brainstorming session with closing remarks and certificate p resentation ending at 1:00 p.m.. | Enjoy the camaraderie of other riders who are also seeking ways to improve communication and performance with their horses. All lessons are taught with patience and clarity, with an emphasis on obtaining a willing partner by "asking" instead of forcing. Mari Zdunic's teaching will bring out the absolute best in both of you. Price: $285.00 includes stabling, riding sessions and lecture series. (Lodging and meals are participants responsibility.) These weekend getaways are limited to eight horses and riders. Be sure to get your reservation in early. For information regarding scheduled weekends... Call Shine-A-Bit Farm (810) 632-5725 | |