1999 Show Schedule

This is the list so far...check in to see updates to the schedule. For those shows that have already been attended, click on the date to see the results! Also, don't miss the chance to see Mari Zdunic in one of her exhibitions. You won't be disappointed!

May 8 & 9
Silverwood, Wisc
Judges: Guerney, Burton

May 20-23
Judges: ?

June 12-13
Silverwood, Wisc
Judges: Vlatter, T. Poulin

June 18
Sorensen, Wisc
Judges: Burton

July 2
Mason, MI
Judges: ?

July 17-18
Silverwood, Wisc
Judges: B.Ross, K.Meredith

July 24-25
Masters Of Dressage
Judges: Hotz, Kitts, Heyderdahl

July 29-Aug 1
Judges: ?

Aug 5-6
Sorenson, Wisc
JUdges: Vlatter

Aug 13-15
Riparian Farms
Judges: DeKunfy, Heyderdahl

Aug 20-22
Mason, MI
Judges: ?

Sept 9-12 FINALS
Waterloo Hunt Club
Judges: ?

In addition to those shows listed above, Shine-A-Bit Farm may be represented at the following shows as well.

-Sept 17-19
Riparian Farm
Judges: S.Vracko

Dressage Shows held in Mason, MI throughout the summer

Dressage Shows held at the Hoosier Horse Park

-Oct 8-9
Riparian Farms
Judges: S.Michaels

Copyright ©1996, 1997 by Shine-A-Bit Farm; Brighton, Michigan- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reproduction of text and/or photos for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited