School for Advanced Horsemanship


Founded by Chuck Grant
The Father of American Dressage
And 1997 Inductee United States
Dressage Federation Hall of Fame

Mari Monda Zdunic - Owner/Trainer


Shine-A-Bit East
230 South Maxfield
Brighton, MI 48114

Shine-A-Bit West
18501 Einfeldt Rd
Nisland, SD 57762

Mari Monda Zdunic riding
Prussian Dudley during an exhibition.

Updated, Comprehensive
Class Schedule


Shine-A-Bit Farm
Brighton, Michigan

For More Info:
(810) 632-5725

Anne Marie Kierkegaard Clinic
Jan.30, 99

Shine-A-Bit Farm
Brighton, Mighigan

For More Info:
(810) 632-5725

Shine-A-Bit Farm offers unique opportunities for you and your horse. In addition to training,we have the privilege of being able to offer books written by the late Chuck Grantwho was known as The Father of American Dressage, a dressage video tape series with Mari Monda Zdunic, Shine-A-Bit Farm's Trainer, thought provoking articles authored by Shine-A-Bit staff and others, clinics and classes for you and your horse, a Bulletin Board packed with great photos and lots more. For anyone interested in horsesand the psychology of training, this is the place to be.

We accept any and all types of horses for training. Shine-A-Bit Farm is the only trainingfacility in the United States that trains both Grand Prix dressage and high schooled exhibitionhorses from green to Grand Prix and holds the distinguished accomplishment of producing more American trained Grand Prix Dressage horses than any facility in the United States. Horses trained by Chuck Grant, Mari Monda Zdunic, and Raymond Moses have tallied numerous regional and national rewards.For a detailed list of horses trained by Mari Monda Zdunic at Shine-A-Bit and their accomplishments, check out The Shine-A-Bit "Time Line". A walk through our barn shows the true diversity of breeds and types that we have in training.

The training and philosophy at Shine-A-Bit Farm is based on American Dressage from the heritageof the United States Army; which is a combination of the French and German Schools but largelybased on the works of James Fillis (1834-1913) of the French Calvalry School. Training isconcentrated at the softer paces to promote brilliance. Haute e'cole, or high school, movementsare introduced to help the riders' coordination - the horses' confidence. The Science and theArt must be understood before Art can be created. The Psychology of the horse centers on Actionand Reaction. The specific mechanics (science) of how to execute and train movements are clearlytaught to perpetuate the fine art of horsemanship.

Shine-A-Bit Farm is dedicated to the quest of understanding the psychology of the horse andwe're delighted that you've stopped to visit. Enjoy your ride!

Dressage Training Tapes with Mari Monda Zdunic
How To Order from Shine-A-Bit Farm
Articles of Interest from Shine-A-Bit Farm
Shine-A-Bit News and Schedule of Events
Shine-A-Bit's Bulletin Board
Shine-A-Bit's Guide To "Horsin' Around"

Mari Monda Zdunic is also available either as a team or individually
for clinics, seminars and exhibitions for your horse club, school, association, stable or even just a group of interested riders.

Call, write or email Shine-A-Bit Farm for more info.

Last Update: 01/08/99

Copyright ©1996, 1997 by Shine-A-Bit Farm; Brighton, Michigan - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reproduction of text and/or photos for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited

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Copyright ©1996, 1997 by Shine-A-Bit Farm; Brighton, Michigan- ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Reproduction of text and/or photos for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited